Wednesday, June 16, 2010


One day I will wake up and know exactly what I want out of life.

Today, I don't want to be married.

Today, I don't want to have children.

Today, I don't want a massive mortgage on a house I could never afford.

Today, my dreams for the future are my old singledom dreams.

Cute Apartment.
A shoe room.
Lap Dog.
Designer jeans.
Harry Winston that I bought for myself.
And just enough hugs and love from my nieces and nephew to get me by.


  1. Somedays I have the same thoughts.
    Obviously its different, I already have the husband, the baby etc.
    I love them to pieces but somedays I wish for my own space. my own apartment to decorate on my own. cocktail nights with the girls, instead of nights in with him.
    I think it's normal.
    You'll know what you really want one day.

    But just promise me, that you won't throw away everything you wished for, just because you're scared or doubting that it could end happily ever after.


  2. How can you get inside my thoughts so much better than I can?

    See, you can't move.
    You are like my therapist.
    But cheaper :P

  3. I'll still be here whenever you need me.
    Besides, I told you - I'm taking you with me :P
