Monday, May 31, 2010

Semi-Anonymous Life

I have been an avid social networking addict since before Myspace was popular.
I have had an account with every form of social media for as long as I can remember; facebook, Myspace, twitter, bebo, linkdin, neopets, my yearbook, xanga, friend pages, live journal and the list goes on.

Just searching Google long enough and I find more and more of these sites I don't remember ever visiting, but I have a page there - and it was active, for a period of time.

I am pretty open to what I post on these sites. I have always been more open over the internet than I am in day-to-day life. It is one of my goals to be able to be as open and honest as I am when there is a monitor and kilometers in distance between me and the person I am speaking with.

I have blogged before about how my work life and social life differ greatly. At work I am all shades of grey - in a social scene and I am very black and white. I am up or down, there is no in-between.

Now, and I guess its that I am older and perhaps a little wiser, that I am feeling the need to distance my openness on the internet and my real life.

My blog is an escape for me. I vent there. I am opinionated. I share my deepest thoughts, secrets and fears. Part of me was always worried that one day, someone, would put the two and two together and it wouldn't have been hard for them to do that.

This is the main reason I have become "semi-anonymous". Most readers will know me. Those who I want to share my life with will (hopefully) read this. And others, that I don't want to see me in this light (work colleagues) won't be able to pinpoint me.

Whilst I am not taking the greatest in care at concealing my identity - I won't be forthcoming in revealing it. People who already know me, whether in real life, by following me on twitter, or who have been invited to read this will have no hesitation in knowing that it is me.

I guess part of me is still that sad, lonely, confused little girl who is so worried about public opinion. I am ready to dish it out - but I am not quite ready to take it.
