Monday, May 31, 2010


Life just keeps getting more complicated.

Relationships form. They fall apart
Friendships change. We grow apart
Babies. School. Work. Debt
Its all apart of life.

Somedays I wish I could just sit back and be happy to work part-time.
To be chill.
To have more time to spend with family and friends.

But what would I do without something to do?

This brings me to question my future.
Should I enroll in this course - which will give me something I have wanted for 10 years.
Or should I try to get on top of my debts, spend my time with my loved ones, and possibly settle down with a hubby, a mortgage and a baby.

I know furthering my education doesn't mean that I have to give these things up.
I know a girl who is FABULOUS. Raising a son, a wife to a soldier and moving to a new state all the while doing a course to get her where she wants to be.

I also know a girl, a FANTASTIC mother, who finished High School whilst playing wife and being the mother to a demanding toddler.

Life is never easy. Choices are never easy.
I don't want them to be.
I just want someone to make the decisions for me.

1 comment:

  1. You can do anything and everything you want my dear.
    Once you start doing the things you want, everything else will just fall into place.
